R & D

Research & Development.

Research and development is conducted on a project basis, this arrives from concepts within real world munitions and then these items are reversed engineered to create a working replica in some cases, but to become inert in the nature of use and deployment.

For example the M84 flash bang is a real world tool for police and military divisions and when we create the prototype to be a 1-1 replica but utilising our technology, great care is taken with prototyping to keep the weight the same, as you can see in the image in this section a prototype was made in alloy but was proven to be inefficient so we redesign in thinner metal but use titanium so we can reduce material thickness to maintain the strength.

  • Firing Pin Quality Control

    Strict Tollernaces Must Be Met

  • Material Prototyping

    Extensive Testing Conducted

  • Transforming The Flame

    More Noise Less Sparks


New products are currently in development to produce a new timed grenade with real world applications and will be showcased in here is 3d within the next month.

New developments with current models such as the loading cap on the blank firing grenade, by creating porting to help the deployment of the sound and less of the plasma, you will see in this section the creations in prototype in stainless steel.

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